Is Skydiving Worth It?

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Hesitations surrounding skydiving are very valid, BUT (big “but” here) they are minuscule when compared to the benefits. If you’re asking yourself, “Should I go skydiving?” We can tell you right now that the answer is YES! Look no further than a skydiving experience to find that all-enthralling endeavor we’re all subconsciously searching for. 

There are a few aspects of skydiving that make people unsure about taking the leap: money, risk, and an overarching sense of apprehension. You know, that cloud of … what am I actually signing up for!? We’ve broken down some of the specifics behind doing a tandem skydive in an attempt to ease any anxieties you have, and give you the confidence needed to respond with a resounding, “YES!” when asked, “Should you go skydiving?”  

Male tandem student in red and black plaid shirt attached to a tandem instructor in freefall.

Is Skydiving Worth The Money? 

How much is skydiving anyway? Tandem skydives start at $209 and go up to $388 at Skydive Paraclete, this is pretty standard across the industry and it’s all dependent on when you jump. Tandem skydives at Skydive Paraclete include the following: 

  • An unmatched level of service from the second you walk through our doors to your landing;
  • A highly qualified, experienced, and professional tandem instructor;
  • The use of state-of-the-art gear: a tandem student harness, goggles, parachute (x2!), skydiving container, AAD and RSL; 
  • A ride in one of our airplanes to 13,500 feet;
  • A breathtaking freefall, canopy ride, and landing
  • Memories that will last a lifetime. 

When you consider each of these elements – all of which are crucial to your safety and the quality of your experience – you can easily justify the cost. The price behind a tandem skydive includes pay for your instructor, the pilot, wear and tear on the gear and aircraft, jet fuel, and general operating costs. We like to think of $200-$400 being comparable to a few tanks of gas or a really good dinner – cut out date night this month and bond over skydiving together instead! 

Beyond Solo Skydiving

Is Skydiving Worth The Risk? 

Is skydiving scary, or just super, duper exciting? Skydiving is scary, but not in the way you may think. Skydiving is full of newness, or firsts, and pursuing the unknown is naturally going to be a bit intimidating. 

But, how scary is skydiving for the first time, really? Well, fear is what you make it. We’ve noticed that the primary fear surrounding going skydiving is your own brain telling you to be scared because it’s doing something new; not fear of the actual jump. The question is: Will you let fear hold you back, or act as a motivator and catalyst for improvement? Remember: Growth can’t happen in your comfort zone! The feeling of empowerment and triumph that comes from delving into the unknown world of skydiving is unmatched. 

The United States Parachute Association (USPA) does a fantastic job at compiling annual statistics for us to study, learn from, and actively seek to improve upon. Let’s look into it:  

  • In 2022, there were 20 skydiving fatalities out of nearly four million skydives; this means on average there was one fatality per 200,000 skydives. 
  • The majority of skydiving fatalities are a result of human error among seasoned and experienced jumpers who quickly push their personal limits; not tandem skydivers.
  • Over the last 10 years, tandem skydiving has seen an average rate of one fatality for every 500,000 skydives. 

As an extreme sport, skydiving comes with inherent risk. However, that risk is acknowledged, calculated, and most of all, respected. Technological advancements and improvements in training methodologies over the years have exponentially improved the safety standard of the sport. We place safety as the top priority on every skydive and have a resident Safety & Training Advisor at the dropzone during all operating hours. Feel free to call us with any safety questions! 

5 facts about skydiving

Is Skydiving Worth The Experience? 

Is skydiving worth the hype? Our skydiving reviews certainly say so! We can tell you all day about why skydiving is awesome, and we honestly want to yell, “Skydiving is worth it because it just is!” and cross our fingers you believe us. But, we know it doesn’t work that way, and we also know you (future awesome skydiver) deserve a solid explanation. So here goes…

What is skydiving like, and why is it an experience like no other? Skydiving is like finding a long-lost best friend and being hit with that all-encompassing feeling of fulfillment. It introduces us to fear in a perplexing way by forcing us to make the conscious and full-hearted decision to address and actually conquer it. This seemingly simple act transcends into all aspects of our lives, and in turn makes other things in life less unnerving, which ultimately results in never-ending growth. 

The skydiving community (a true coalescence of unique individuals) is welcoming, encouraging, and overflowing with authentic human beings. Doing a tandem skydive opens the door to an incredibly warm and genuine world of people who you otherwise wouldn’t know existed. 

Skydiving is a life-changing endeavor that is 100% worth it! We can’t wait for you to jump with us whenever you’re ready to seize the day! Blue skies.

student in freefall with psp instructor

The staff is incredible and I couldn't have asked for a better experience. The drop zone gives you a breathtaking view and I will most definitely be back as soon as possible!

Sarah Elizabeth Keith