Block Jump Sale!! 10 Tickets for $270

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Experienced jumpers, we hear you and we see you! With the recent slot rate increase, we’re introducing some block packages for a limited time to fit the budget! Until January 31st, licensed skydivers can purchase ticket blocks in multiples of 10 for a rate of $270. There is no limit to how many you can purchase, so if you’d like to save some money this jumping season, this is the way to do it!

The Details

  • 10 Jumps for $270
  • Can purchase as many jump blocks as you wish
  • No restrictions on these tickets – use them during events!
  • No expiration. Use them in 2020 or 2021 or beyond. The choice is yours.
  • Tickets are transferable to other jumpers
  • *Tickets are non-refundable*

How to Purchase

Tickets must be purchased via phone (910) 904-0000 or purchase at manifest in-person.


woman dancing in freefall with ballet slippers

As a member of the Canadian National 8-way skydiving team, we have trained at many DZs over the years. By far, we have never been treated as well at any other drop zone in the world. This is our new go to DZ. Cannot say enough good things about this operation!!!

Heather Porteous