Canopy Camp with Brian Germain

Parachute Flight Safety

This is not your typical canopy course. Brian is one of the foremost experts on parachute flight safety, and his course reflects the depth of knowledge gleaned from the hundreds of courses Brian has taught over the past two and a half decades. Brian is the only author, parachute designer and manufacturer leading canopy camps, making this course an exceptional and unparalleled opportunity to improve both your skills and your safety as a skydiver.
Part of the course is classroom focused, utilizing advanced computer Simulations, PowerPoint presentations, and theoretical lectures. Part of the prep work utilizes the physical training benefits of hanging harness work in the skydivers’ own system. This provides vital information about the fit and function of the harness container system, as well as nurturing new physical habits the afford the canopy pilot greater maneuvering capability and optimal landing body position.
We try to do two to three skydives per day, weather permitting, opening above 6000 feet AGL. On training jumps, participants are given specific exercises that have proven to be beneficial in creating safety and skill in the areas of parachute flight that matter the most. Landings are filmed and debriefed in-depth, and Brian brings several cameras to ensure that everyone gets good landing footage. Participants are urged to partake in the filming of landings to develop the skill of camera work, since the benefits of filmed landings is beyond measure.
Course material is based on USPA’s B license Canopy Proficiency Card, however this course goes into much greater depth than the minimum requirement for a B license. Brian is a USPA Safety and Training Advisor, and thus he is able to sign off your license requirements. The expanded scope of this camp makes it appropriate for any skill level, and no topics are off limits.
More experienced participants are guided to fly in no contact formation with other canopies so they can benefit from having a relative reference in flight, and if they wish, guidance in high performance approaches and swoop landings.
The primary categories of focus in the course are: Parachute Aerodynamics, Flight Maneuvers, Flight in Turbulence, Traffic Flow, Various Approach Methods and Accuracy, Mental Preparation and Adrenaline Management, and of course Landing Skill and Safety. Additional training videos are provided before and following the course to enhance comprehension and retention of this vital information.
Course duration: 2 Days, (sometimes longer with large groups)
Course Fee: $250 plus $25 for travel expenses.
woman dancing in freefall with ballet slippers

Without a doubt my absolute favorite place to be when I'm out of school and off work. I came here after I made a tandem skydive and decided I wanted to learn and did my AFF. The instructors and coaches are wonderful. You WILL learn here. Loved jumping with Michael, Randy and Mike so much. Even if the drive is 2 1/2 hours and I'm licensed now, I'll keep coming back.

Jenna Nicole