cross skydiving off bucket list

How to Cross Skydiving Off Your Bucket List

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Skydiving sits at the top of many bucket lists for a reason. What could be more awesome than jumping out of an airplane? Having a personal wish list for extraordinary achievements has become a common practice, but making a list is the easy part. Checking those big dreams off your list requires a fair amount of effort. If you are ready to check skydiving off your bucket list, here are five tips to help you plan and complete your goals for that first jump.

1. Review Your Bucket List

Have you actually made a bucket list? If not then take some time to sit down and write your list. Devote several blank pages to each item to save room for details and comments as you tick those boxes. Consider why you want to skydive and what you hope to gain from the experience. Having plenty of space for journaling about pushing your boundaries and celebrating success is a great way to create memories.

2. Find a Reliable Skydiving Center

Do your research. Skydiving is first and foremost about safety, but it is also about fun. Read reviews, check online to make sure your potential dropzone is a member of the United States Parachute Association. The USPA sets the skydiving industry standards for policy, technology, safety, and training. You definitely want USPA certified instructors for your skydive. Get feedback from someone with personal experience jumping at the dropzone. It’s a small world, and you may be surprised by some of the people you know that have already jumped out of an airplane! Visit the site before you book a jump and spend an afternoon observing. The dropzone should be clean, organized and filled with competent and happy staff.

skydiving for couples

3. Get The Video!

Yes, there is a cost factor in adding a photo and video package, and we realize this sounds like we are trying to get more money out of you. But seriously, you made a bucket list! Did it happen if you don’t have the photos to prove it? All kidding aside, having a video and pictures to help you relive a life-changing event is empowering. For years to come, you can look at that video and the photos when you are having a good day or a tough day and remind yourself you jumped out of a plane. You are unique in comparison to most of your fellow humans.

4. Share The Experience.

If you are the kind of person that needs support and encouragement to accomplish a big goal, then build yourself a team. Find family and friends that will go with you, or at least go to watch you. There exists a special bond within a group of skydivers, and you may have the perfect circle of friends that will go all-in with your plans. If knowing that people are cheering for you from the sidelines then, by all means, get your announcement out there on social media and share your big moments far and wide!

5. Be Good to Yourself, Mind, Body, And Soul.

Creating a bucket list is an exercise in self-discovery. You are asking for faith in yourself, trust in the process, and belief in who you want to become. Take the time to be prepared for your skydive. Read blogs that tell you what to expect physically and mentally. Think about what this skydive may mean to you spiritually. Plan the mundane things like your clothing, shoes, snacks, and water well in advance of the big day because being prepared is half the battle. Allow yourself the headspace to fully engage in the moment. Overcoming your fears while reaching for a goal, and just being ZEN while you are flying free will open your mind to so many possibilities.

If you are ready to check skydiving off your bucket list contact us today!

I loved everything about this place. The people, the experience, and can't wait to return for another jump. Can't recommend enough. Very professional. Thanks for helping me take one off the bucket list.

Joey Shull